Mount Batur, The Mother Of Mount Agung

There are many Volcanoes in Bali. This is because bali is in the path of fire ring. you can know it at Geopark Batur museum located in Bangli. Two of the volcanoes are Mount Batur and Mount Agung.

Both mountains are considered as a phallus or natural phallus that has significance in the religious life of Balinese people.

Mount Agung is considered the manifestation of Purusa (male) and Mount Batur is considered as a form of Pradhana (female).

Between Purusha and Pradhana can not be separated because it always synergize to give birth to fertility and create prosperity for the community.

Mount Batur is one of the ancient mountains in the island of Bali whose existence is older than Mount Agung. Both mountains have a close bond that Mount Agung appeared in the "lap" of Mount Batur erupted thousands of years ago.

When Mount Agung erupted in February 1963, Mount Batur also experienced an increase in activity in September of the same year. Mount Agung and Mount Batur are on one plate line. Since prehistoric times, the people believe that mountains, hills, and higher places are sacred places where the spirits of ancestors and other natural power centers are live in. It can be seen from the direction of the sarcophagus or corpse without a container. The direction of the face or the location of the head of the corpse mostly leads to the nearest hill or mountain.

In addition, in everyday life, the Balinese people view the mountain as a source of life and become a catchment area of water which the slopes are growht by the forest.

Because of its fertile territory, many people live in the mountainous region. Anything planted around here is growing well including onions. This is also because of the ash of the eruption of Mount Batur long time ago.

Mount Batur is located in Kintamani, Bangli, Bali and became one of the tourist attractions visited by tourists. In the area of Mount Batur there is also a lake with the same name of Lake Batur is located in a high area, which is 1050 mdpl with an area of 16 km square with an average depth of 50.8 km.
From the Geology Batur Museum data described, if the first eruption of Mount Batur began in 1804. When it formed the main crater at the peak.
